Mission Statement
The Los Nietos School District Special Education Department strives to educate students with special needs in the least restrictive environment through inclusionary opportunities with collaborative effort to enable our students to maximize their potentials in school and community. We strive to empower students to create, utilize, and develop self-advocacy skills to become productive members of society. We support students to value themselves and others through engaging, relevant, and rigorous education.
The Special Education Department effectively collaborates with parents, teachers, service providers, and administrators in the identification, evaluation and provision of special education services for students with special needs. In addition, we ensure the implementation of Individualized Education Program (IEP) with fidelity, coordinate curriculum, related services, needs assessment, data collection, and progress monitoring; while maintaining compliance with local, state, and federal laws.
Our programs foster within each student the belief in the value through discovering their talents, nurturing their skills, and encouraging self-confidence and independence. We will ensure the availability of a full continuum of program options to fit the unique needs of the students. Student success will be supported by staff continuously trained to provide differentiated instruction based on each student’s unique needs.
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