Los Nietos School District Schools Welcome Parents and Students to the 2013-2014 School Year on August 19, 2013

All four schools in the Los Nietos School District opened their doors and welcomed the new 2013-2014 students to their campus this morning. Elementary principals Becky Speh, Octavio Perez, and Marla Duncan were pleased to meet the new kindergarten students and parents as well as welcome back their returning students.

Principal Cardenas at the Los Nietos Middle School was pleased that the air conditioning and central heating summer renovation project that took place in the main office building over the summer was almost 100% finished.

Principal Speh was excited for students to see and tour their new Aeolian Media Center (AMC). The media lab has 36 desktop computers, 40 I-pad Minis, and will have interactive SmartBoard technology when completed later this month.

Additional changes were noticed in all school cafeterias as they have been renamed “Cafes” in collaboration with School Nutrition Director, Kurt Chou’s, attempt to get students engaged, involved, and excited with healthy food choices. It was clear to Superintendent Vasquez that the Los Nietos teachers had put in countless hours of preparation in order to make their classrooms inviting to their new students on the first day of school. All teachers welcomed students with bright smiles and a promise of a fantastic 2013-20134 school year!