Los Nietos Elementary Schools Welcome Parents to “Back to School Night” on 9/25/12

On September 25, 2012, Los Nietos Elementary Principal’s Becky Speh, Marla Duncan, and Octavio Perez spoke to packed audiences of parents welcoming them to the 2012 Back to School Night. Principals spoke of the academic gains that the students made on the 2012 CST exam, as well how excited they were to be working and leading their schools. Once principals finished their whole-group presentations to the parents, parents were released to meet their child’s teacher and get information on the upcoming school year.

Listening to all Los Nietos elementary teachers talk to parents, it was easy to see why the Los Nietos School District has been able to make double-digit API growth for the past five years. Classrooms were print-rich, all teachers discussed grade level standards-based expectations, and all teachers expressed their desire to help students grow to their full potential this year. Teachers are to be commended for the warm and informative presentations they prepared for the parents, as each parent left the night knowing exactly what is expected of their child this year.

At all schools, parents supported school PTC fundraising efforts by purchasing delicious taco plates or slices of pizza. Superintendent Vasquez, Assistant Superintendent of Business, Doug McMasters, and Los Nietos School Board members Ray Chacon and Marisa Hernandez toured classrooms to wish teachers a good year!