Los Nietos Middle School Hosts Amazing Community Celebration on May 21, 2011

On May 21, 2011, the Los Nietos School Middle School opened its doors wide and welcomed the Los Nietos community to its campus. As part of the Los Nietos School District’s 150th anniversary celebration, the oldest school in the district welcomed students from as far back as the 1920’s to mingle with the Los Nietos students of the present. A community celebration that has not been seen in Los Nietos in quite some time took place at the Los Nietos Middle School.

The program began with ABC Channel 7 weatherman, Danny Romero, giving history of the Los Nietos School District to the crowd in attendance before introducing Superintendent Jonathan Vasquez. Superintendent Vasquez welcomed the community and introduced former Los Nietos Board Members (Jose Martinez, Cathy Martinez, Betty Elizalde, Gloria Duran, and Carlos Rodriguez), current Los Nietos Board Members (Nicholas Aquino, Raymundo Chacon, Marisa Hernadez, Art Escobedo, and Silvia Monge), and selected dignitaries in attendance. Present were Whittier Mayor, Cathy Warner, Little Lake School Board Members Richard Martinez and Ronald Gonzales-Lawrence, Whittier Union High School Trustee, Russell Castaneda, Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina Field Representative, Angie Castro, Senator Ronald Calderon Field Representative, Louis Reyes, Pioneer High School Principal, Dr. Monica Oviedo, and former superintendent (current Mountain View Elementary Superintendent) Lillian Maldonado-French.

Superintendent Vasquez also welcomed back former Los Nietos Principal’s Madeline Minear and Bud Chapman, former school counselor Keith Murata, former assistant principal, George Martinez, along with former teachers Ray Elmendorf, Jay Mitchell, Leonard Wickson, Les Cushing, Corinne Munoz, Jim Ross, Laurie Hidy-Watkins, and Kari Grandstaff.

The event was a blending of the past and present as the 2011 Los Nietos Middle School Band, Choir, and dance troupe shared the stage with alumni Bands (Summer Breeze/Ralph Chavez Band and Prime Time Music). Former alumnus Maureen Sanchez also graced the stage singing rousing Mariachi songs. Los Nietos students hosted an art show and book fair in the auditorium while also having a carnival for the students in attendance.

Alumni had the opportunity to visit classrooms, view yearbooks (from 1950-2010), share Los Nietos and family history, and reconnect with lost friends. Los Nietos Alumni also supported the day through extensive donations of goods and services to help make the event truly remarkable and unforgettable.

Sincere appreciation goes to Principal Cardenas, the Los Nietos Middle School Staff, Los Nietos Alumni, Los Nietos Parent Teacher Club Members, and District staff for making the Los Nietos Community Celebration something that will not be forgotten any time soon!