Rancho Santa Gertrudes School Hosts a Spectacular Third Los Nietos School District Sesquicentennial Event on 3/26/11

On March 26, 2011, Rancho Santa Gertrudes School and Principal Octavio Perez hosted the third Los Nietos School District Sesquicentennial event of the year. The weather cooperated nicely by not sprinkling once during the event. With a full contingent of Rancho teachers, support staff, and Rancho Parent Teacher Club volunteers, Rancho School’s hospitality was evident to everyone who attended. Rancho’s event was easily the largest attended event in recent history, as a steady stream of more than 2000 people kept the carnival workers busy all day.

Although there were game booths, a cakewalk, food vendors, and multiple bounce houses, the event was much more than a typical school carnival. With the Santa Fe Springs Fire Department, Whittier Police Department, Los Nietos Library, Santa Fe Springs Heritage Park Society, Think Together Afterschool Program, Victory Tae Kwon Do, Bright Health Physicians, and Folklorico Dancers to name just a few, Rancho’s event brought together different organizations for the benefit of the Los Nietos Community.

Each of the District’s three Sesquicentennial Events have provided an opportunity for Los Nietos schools to form stronger partnerships with the surrounding community agencies that support our schools and district. Los Nietos School District would like to thank the City of Santa Fe Springs and the Santa Fe Springs City Council for fully supporting the Rancho event. Special thanks goes to Santa Fe Springs Mayor Joe Serrano, and Santa Fe Springs Councilmember’s Richard Moore and Juanita Trujillo, for attending the event. Additional thanks goes to Police Services Director Dino Torres for his help with the coordinating of the support services for the event.

Current Los Nietos Board of Trustees Art Escobedo, Silvia Monge, and Ray Chacon joined former Los Nietos School Board Members Gloria Duran and Carlos Rodriguez in enjoying a wonderful event. As always there was clear evidence of District support during the Sesquicentennial Event as Superintendent Vasquez, Assistant Superintendent McNeil, and Assistant Superintendent McMasters welcomed the many guest and parents. District maintenance workers, and District Principals Amber Lee-Ruiz, Marla Duncan, and Jacqueline Cardenas all came to help Rancho School host a truly spectacular day!