Los Nietos School District Promotes "Stepping into Health Day on March 7, 2014

On March 7, 2014, the Los Nietos School District held a district-wide “Stepping into Health Day” as students learned about the importance of leading an active lifestyle in order to lead a healthy life. All four schools held events designed to get students moving, and use the new pedometers and water bottles funded through a health grant and provided to all Los Nietos staff and students. Schools held jog-a-thons, dance-a-thons, and spoke to students during their Friday assemblies.

Aeolian School held a dance-a-thon and Principal Becky Speh spoke about the importance of using their new pedometers to calculate a goal of 10,000 steps a day. Pedometer logs were passed out, as students will calculate from March 7-March 14th, 2014 how many steps they are able to take. To listen to Principal Speh describe the event and see the Aeolian students participate in the dance-a-thon, please click on the links below.

Additionally, the Whittier Daily News covered the event, and a story was printed in the Sunday edition on March 9, 2014. To read the article, please click on the link below.